
About Me

Well lets see, I'm 27, most happily married, and together my husband and I have created the two most beautiful boys in the entire world (gushy mummy moment!).

I have a diploma in Children's services and a degree in Health Science (PDHPE). However, I am currently a proud stay at home mum/housewife/domestic goddess (must find one word to sum all these titles) and I will continue this roll forever. I very much enjoy the wife/mummy roll, I bake, I clean, I shop, my 3 year old knows how to order baby chinos at the cafe, its all fun!

In saying this, I wont lie, it can be a tad stressful when you have a little human attached to you 24 hrs a day, I don't know what its like to be alone, and English is no longer my primary language, it comes second after Babbling!

I created this blog as a way for me to express my parenting experiences, sharing all the good times, and talking about how I overcome the challenges along the way.

I'm tired of judging and being judged by other mothers. I don't care if you breastfeed, bottle-feed or formula feed, I won't judge you if you co-sleep or not, I will not gossip about whether your children are in public school, private school or home school. If you chose to leave comments alongside my blogs than I appreciate your support in my parenting choices, if you disagree that's okay, but if you don't have anything nice to say than don't say it at all.

No one can ever prepare you for becoming a mother. We only seem to prepare ourselves on how to take care of a baby. During pregnancy we follow the "to do" and "not to do" lists to exhaustion, we are so focused on giving our babies the best start to life. Still when the baby is born we continue to put the baby's needs before anything else. For many mothers this means many aspects of their lives are somewhat neglected including diet and exercise, sex, friendships, hobbies/interests, sports, and the list goes on. All these things are replaced with new challenges such as breastfeeding, formula feeding, sleeping (or lack of), teething, when to start solids, toilet training, schooling and again the list goes on.
Since becoming a mother I have learnt that every mother has their own opinions as to what is best for their baby, and this is perfectly okay. However, because of this difference of opinion I see women attacking each other, judging and criticising on anything and everything a fellow mother does. If you breastfeed than you're criticised for making others uncomfortable, but if you formula feed than your not giving your baby the best option. If you use a dummy than your giving your baby a potential chocking hazard, or your'e a lazy parent who uses a dummy as a comforter instead of cuddles, but if you let them suck their thumb than that is a dirty habit that will give them buck teeth. If you co-sleep its dangerous, but if you make the baby sleep in a cot in a separate room than its unnatural. Everyone has an opinion.
Motherhood is a very trying time in ones life, and once you become a mother you will always be a mother. There is no handbook with step-by-step instructions, we are simply left with our own instincts and well meaning advice from family and friends. For this reason mothers should be kinder to each other. We all know the pressures that motherhood brings and we all deal with them in the best way we know how. As mothers we need to be more supportive of one another. Don't criticise other mother's ways just because they are different to your own. When other people give you advice about parenting, don't take it as a judgement, simply understand that it was probably what worked best for them, listen, smile and curtsy, than discard what you didn't like and use what you did.